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Evelien Kong

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1 Creator

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1 Creator

Representing...raw and authentic conversations with notable people from all different backgrounds and professions. From your favorite celebrities, best selling authors to newsmakers, these are people you THINK you know. They'll share their stores and experiences and you'll find out who they really are, what the stand for and you'll find out what they represent. Subscribe to Reppin for a unique blend of Hollywood insights and real-life lessons that transcend the silver screen. From navigating the cutthroat industry to mastering the art of resilience, our podcast delivers universal wisdom for life in general, all while fostering a sense of positivity that's contagious.
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Top 10 Reppin Episodes

Goodpods has curated a list of the 10 best Reppin episodes, ranked by the number of listens and likes each episode have garnered from our listeners. If you are listening to Reppin for the first time, there's no better place to start than with one of these standout episodes. If you are a fan of the show, vote for your favorite Reppin episode by adding your comments to the episode page.

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Podcast Q&A

Why did you start this show?

This is the short answer. Reppin is a fusion of many ideas that I've had over the years. One, I wanted to start it to contribute positively, create community, empower and inspire diversity, equality, inclusion, love, kindness, compassion etc and to have important, meaningful, purposeful conversations that widen perspectives, allow one another to see the person based on their actions, character and integrity.

What do you hope listeners gain from listening to your show?

That audiences find the show life affirming, thought provoking, feel hopeful, positivity and inspired to join a community of people who will take action towards building a more compassionate, kind, loving, strong world that is just and inclusive. That listeners meet some really cool people and have a good time and can use lessons that my guests share that can help them in their lives.

Which episode should someone start with?

New York Times Best Selling Author, Angie Thomas (The Hate U Give, On The Come Up) https://goodpods.app.link/SjaAHaAdWwb Actress MIchelle Hurd from Star Trek Picard, Blindspot, Law and Order SVU https://goodpods.app.link/g78YTkwdWwb

Which have been your favourite episodes so far?

Really it's been SUCH a GIFT with EACH of my guests! Angie Thomas was my first guest & right out of the gate, i felt like that conversation captured the spirit of the show, Michelle Hurd -an incredible talent, and woman, Yvonne Chapman from CW's Kung Fu, another incredible talent --and from our conversations we've become friends. But really, each one of these conversations have been an incredible gifts. These are amazing people who come to share their time and experiences--i'm so humbled!!

Which episode are you most proud of?

I give 10000 percent of me in every single episode. Each episode gets the white glove treatment. Every single conversation is had with care and respect. To have these amazing, talented, notable people agree to share their stories, take time out of their busy schedules and share their lessons, truths and experiences with me--that's not something I ever take for granted.

What is your vision for your show?

For Reppin to become a brand and build a community. To have guests, audiences come together and not only exemplify the positive values of the show but also inspire others to create real, practical and positive change. With this we can give one another a hand up, and build a world that is united, compassionate, that is just, strong and loving. This starts by having conversations that are open and authentic with the goal to listen and learn.

What is your favourite other podcast that isn't yours?

So many, enjoy Red Doves, Voluntary Input, Manic Pixie, What I heard Was, The Extras! SUUUUP YA'LL!!!

How did you come up with the name for your podcast?

Reppin is short for Representation. :) Easy peasy.

Tell us a bit about yourself

I'm a native New Yorker, veteran television producer, director. I love entertainment, pop culture, content and learning about people and if you distill everything down, I'm a storyteller. who loves the creative process, love the 80s (except balloon pants. That's a hard pass.) coffee, pizza and dogs--not necessarily in that order.

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How many episodes does Reppin have?

Reppin currently has 103 episodes available.

What topics does Reppin cover?

The podcast is about Society & Culture, Film Interviews, Personal Journals, Podcasts and Tv & Film.

What is the most popular episode on Reppin?

The episode title 'Reppin Season 2 Premiere: Michelle Hurd' is the most popular.

What is the average episode length on Reppin?

The average episode length on Reppin is 47 minutes.

How often are episodes of Reppin released?

Episodes of Reppin are typically released every 14 days.

When was the first episode of Reppin?

The first episode of Reppin was released on Sep 17, 2019.

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