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Max Sycamore


My podcast Bitches With BeardsA media producer with a passion for podcasts and celebrating culture, the real culture that leaves you thinking “why?”

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Podcaster Q&A

Tell us about yourself – what is your background?

I’ve been obsessed with film since I first saw the lights go down and the silver screen light up. Film made way for Star Wars, Star Wars made way (well, not really) for culture and now I’m a professional video producer. I love culture and I love exploring it and discovering what makes the world works.

Why did you get into podcasting?

I fell in love with the medium when I was in the job from hell and just needed a little comfort. Fast forward and I’m now in a job where I get to produce one. But as great as that is I new I wanted to have my own voice and when I met my future best friend who also shared my love for ‘casts Bitches With Beards was inevitable.

How did the idea for the show come about?

Every Friday me and Daniel get together and put the week to bed over a glass or ten of wine. We both wanted to produce our own podcast and it was my husband that said “why don’t you just do this?” So we pulled together our experience and knowledge and turned a friendship into content.

What do you hope listeners take from the show?

Don’t take life to seriously and celebrate the little things. What people say is culture usually isn’t and what people ignore is usually what changes the world.

What's been the biggest challenge for you?

Not talking over Daniel and when I do talk making sure people understand me (I have a pretty thick South London accent). Aside from that, just building up listeners.

How can your listeners support your show?

Just listen and love! Please just listen to our eps, rate and review and then share with your friends (and if you hate us then share with your enemies… numbers are numbers).

Any future plans that you'd like to share?

We have a spin-off in the works… listen to this space!

Anything else you'd like to share?

If you want to know more then just listen to Bitches With Beards!

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